
(Mesh 、EStat (電場計算)、PerMag(磁場計算)付属。Windows対応)
- 分かりやすく、すぐに実行可能な例題の付いたマニュアル(現在英語のみ)
- 別のメッシュによって計算された電場や磁場を取り込んで計算が可能
- 複数ソースからの空間電荷制限放出を自己無撞着(self-consistent)に計算
- 電極表面近傍でも高精度な軌道計算が可能
- 停止面までの高精度補間によるレンズ特性の評価
- ハードコピー機能を備えた、軌道及び電場、磁場プロット用対話型ポストプロセッサー
- 高度な二次放出モデルと多重生成電子軌道の自動追跡
- エミッタンスと電流密度の自動計算
- テキスト形式でフォーマットされた出力ファイルにより、ユーザーアプリケーションや数学的解析プログラムへ容易に情報の受け渡しが可能
- 荷電粒子ビームの初期分布の設定や計算後のビームプロファイルの解析を行うプログラムGenDist付属
- シンプルな設定画面
- 価格情報および注文
- Tips for modeling electron field emission
- Setting a time step for electrons in a strong magnetic field
- Current-density distributions in Trak
- Strange orbits in Trak
- Fixing an electron emission surface
- Emission surfaces in Trak
- Emittance of a circular beam
- Tutorial: electron gun design with Trak
- Tiny gyroradii and the sorrows of tech help
- Universal high-flux electron gun design
- Simple sheet-beam design
- Space-charge-limited flow from a thermionic source
- Thermal effects in space-charge-limited flow
- Trajectories that stop unexpectedly in Trak and OmniTrak
- Ion extraction from a plasma at an aperture
- Multistage calculations in Trak and OmniTrak
- Cathode temperature in Trak and OmniTrak
- Multiple particle species in Trak
- Custom trajectory color-coding in Trak
- Electron beam neutralization in Trak and OmniTrak
- Designing solenoid lenses for electron beams
- Creating a Maxwell-Boltzmann particle distribution
- Ion beam extraction in Trak and OmniTrak from sources with multiple species
TRAK | |
Improved Trak models for beam-generated magnetic fields | beamgeneratedfield.pdf |
Trak design of an electron injector for a coupled-cavity linear accelerator | ccl_injector.pdf |
Emittance calculations for circular beams | circular_beam_emittance.pdf |
Designing a converging-beam electron gun and focusing solenoid with Trak and PerMag | egundesign.pdf |
Emittance calculations in Trak | emittance.pdf |
Focusing of high-perveance planar electron beams in a miniature wiggler magnet array | focusing_miniature_wiggler.pdf |
Adding a control grid to a high-current electron gun | gridcontrol.pdf |
Grid-focused diodes for radiography | grid_focused_diodes.pdf |
High-flux electron-gun reference design | highpervgun.pdf |
Optimizing the performance of flat-surface, high-gradient vacuum insulators | high_gradient_insulators.pdf |
Electron gun design for a hollow-beam klystron using Trak | hollow_beam_gun.pdf |
Hollow-beam klystron design for the international linear collider | ilc_klystron.pdf |
Trak design of a single-stage collector for a hollow-beam klystron. | klystron_collector.pdf |
Modeling ion extraction from a free-plasma surface with a flexible conformal mesh | modeling_ion_extraction.pdf |
First observation of elliptical sheet beam formation with an asymmetric solenoid lens | obs_elliptical_sheet_beam.pdf |
Simulation tools for pinched-electron-beam radiographic diodes | radiographic_diode_tools.pdf |
Simulating a rod pinch diode for pulsed radiography with Trak and GamBet | rodpinch_benchmark.pdf |
Modeling secondary emission in a finite-element multipactor code | secondary_emission.pdf |
Extended Pierce method for sheet-beam injector design | sheetbeam.pdf |
Simple injector for high-current sheet electron beams | simplesheetinjector.pdf |
Designing solenoid lenses for electron beams | solenoid_lens.pdf |
Cathode thermal effects in one-dimensional space-charge-limited electron flow | spacechargeflowthermal.pdf |
Modeling relativistic electron beams with finite-element ray-tracing codes | trak_bbeam.pdf |
Simulation tools for high-intensity radiographic diodes | trak_pinchdiode.pdf |
Numerical modeling of space-charge-limited charged-particle emission on a conformal triangular mesh | trak_spacecharge.pdf |
Emittance calculations for circular beams | circular_beam_emittance.pdf |
Creating a Maxwell-Boltzmann particle distribution | mbdistribution.pdf |